Green Travel Practices, Tips, and Considerations
Travel can be rewarding, educational, and inspirational. And it is always really fun. But with all that comes responsibility. While it can be easy to think of the world as one giant amusement park, it is not. One persons destination is another persons home.
At GMS, it’s our duty to be sure that we’re leading the charge in green travel practices. We identify eco-friendly options and local cultural norms for our clients to consider whenever we can. Below are the major components of any travel program, along with a few environmentally conscious points your company can reference the next time it ventures out of town.
If possible, get everyone on a bus or train on your way there.
Carpool when you have to.
Use public transportation when you can.
Reduce idling and be conservative with the AC.
Check the fuel efficiency of the vehicle.
See if they use high-efficiency lighting.
Is the building LEED-certified?
Does the staff practice water-saving procedures?
Check for energy-saving appliances.
Every hotel should have a recycling program.
Do they provide reusable dishware?
Every venue should have a recycling program.
Avoid water bottles—see if they offer alternatives.
Is the venue location easy to access by public transport?
See if they have programs in place for excess food, whether it is donated or composted.
We at GMS are always working with our partners to reduce our carbon footprint. Having enjoyed so many natural treasures across the world with our clients, we feel extremely lucky. We are truly indebted to our planet and the locals who make every trip unique.
In addition to considering our impact on the environment, GMS always chooses to patronize local businesses when possible. Buying local allows our clients to partake in a region’s culture while also ensuring that those local businesses are supported—so that we can visit them next time!